First Post

Posted by : at

This site is based on a template available on Github: Link. I just updated the information and removed a few details which I did not find necessary for my personal use. I might add some more changes later. The site is hosted by Github Pages. The avatar was created with the free online tool The icons were generated with the icon generator: I also added a default image for post that do not specify an image, I used it for this post, it is shown below again:

Default post image

Just so that I can look up how to add an image to a post, since this post will also serve as an example how to write a post. The actual post files are in the directory ‘_posts’, the filename has to include the date when it was posted, see the file of this post as an example. The set of categories a post can have is fixed, if you want a new one, you need to define a new category in the folder “categories”, just look at the existing ones to get an idea how to do that.

Running locally: - Setting up local server for testing.

Try running:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

in the base repository folder. If you are running for the first time, you’ll probably need to run bundle install to install all required dependencies. If these instructions are not sufficient, try googling.

Post need to be added to the folder _posts and named accordingly with the date, see this post as an example. Skills can be edited in the file _includes/author_skills.html.

Post example structuring

Emphasis, aka italics, with asterisks or underscores.

Strong emphasis, aka bold, with asterisks or underscores.

Combined emphasis with asterisks and underscores.

Strikethrough uses two tildes. Scratch this.

Note : Note this!

This is how you list things:

  • First item blah blah
  • Second item blah blah

Another way to show command line commands:

rm -rf /

Do not run this, it is just an example.

Edited on 21.12.2019. Also edited on 25.03.2020.